Support backupninja with Minarca-server

When installing minarca server in your environment, you may already have an existing system to automate the backup of your computers. A common tool used to backup Linux server is backupninja. If you already have backupninja in your enviroment, or if you want to use backupninja instead of minarca client, you may configure minarca-server to support it.

Update minarca-shell configuration

To accept incomming connection from backupninja, you must enable rdiff-backup compability layer.

Edit the configuration file /etc/minarca/minarca-shell.conf, change the value of RDIFFBACKUP_COMPATIBILITY to 1 and uncomment the line.


Add you ssh public key to minarca server

Using the web interface, you need to add all your public keys to a specific user.

If you are using the “admin” user, browse to and add your SSH Key.

By adding them to the user “admin”, all your backups repositories are located under /backups/admin folder, unless you have changed the value of MinarcaUserBaseDir.

Configure backupninja

Finnaly, you must update the the backupninja configuration file under /etc/backup.d/. Verify the values under [dest] section:


# remote or local? If local, you dont need to specify a host below
type = remote

# the machine which will receive the backups
host =

# put the backups under this directory
directory = .

# make the files owned by this user
# note: you must be able to ssh backupuser@backhost
# without specifying a password 
user = minarca